justin adler, blog, buenos aires, bahia blanca, university of arizona, brooklyn, basketball, travel, paul mcpherson

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Pictures: NYC Vol. 3

The photo above was taken from a Wendy's in Brooklyn. Easily the best art I have seen in any Wendy's ever.

The photo below is from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, which were nice even though it was absent of any glass art.

It did have a Tony Danza leaf.

I saw this guy waiting for a bus on 125th and Lexington. After I snapped a picture of his tattoo, I started talking to him and learned he was from a town in the province of Buenos Aires. He came here a few years ago from Argentina and was now heading down to Florida to try to find work. I thought he was carrying a yoga mat on his back, but it was actually his bed as he told me he was catching the bus back to his shelter.

This photo was also taken on the corner of 125th and Lexington.

This is my friend Smelly G aka Altruistic G aka Sexual G aka Culinary G aka Directorial G aka Silent Movie G and in this photo he is Swedish Meatball G. This photo is also a memento to one great city-exploration day we ate Wendy's then Popeye's then $1.50 Coors Lights, then hit Ikea for Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, pasta, garlic bread, then found the desert bar on the floor level of Ikea where we consumed Cinnamon rolls and icecream (That sentence is a memento to poor writing). Then we learned they had hot dogs for 50 cents, a deal we could not pass up. It was a great city exploration day.


a$h said...

yo... i need a blog about the crime pays show... it better be priceless